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Port Orchard, WA, United States
The title kind of describes it all. It's about what makes me happy. Maybe you'll find some happiness here, too!

Jan 12, 2011

Not all Soy is Equal

M and I went to Costa Rica for a few weeks in July 2010, and it was really fun to try the cuisine.  One of my favorite dishes was the national dish, Gallo Pinto.  Beans and Rice, with a distinctly Costa Rican twist.  Apparently, Salsa Lizano is the secret ingredient that makes the beans-n-rice sing.  However, my attempt to purchase a small bottle while killing time at 5AM at the airport was thwarted, after being told it exceeded the limit of how much liquid I could bring on the plane with me.  D'oh.

But this is not the story I want to tell.  What I want to tell is about an evening where M and I misjudged what was included at a bed-n-breakfast we stayed at near Alajuela.  Bed-n-Breakfast did not include dinner.  By the time we realized this, it was late and anything within walking distance was convenience food.  This wouldn't do. A previous trip to a grocery store yielded the following product:

Since we had access to a kitchen (but sadly nothing else beyond some paltry seasonings), we decided to boil some water, add this soy product, and see what happens. We were hungry, a little desperate.  In the mug it went:

Adding some boiling water:

On closer inspection ...

Mmmmm, texturized soy in boiling water.

A reluctant and skeptical taste-tester:

And, the verdict recorded for posterity.

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